The Three Great Fears compendium to counter bias and misconception

The Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees (“MFA”) has prepared The Three Great Fears, a succinct compilation of relevant data that responds to what it has identified as the primary drivers that negatively influence public perceptions and inhibit rational and humane public policies toward Syrian refugees. These include:

  • Fear of negative economic impact,
  • Fear of terrorism, and
  • Islamophobia

The intent of The Three Great Fears project (the “Project”) is to collaborate with members of Refugee & Migrant Education Network and Being the Blessing Foundation by engaging the research and intellectual resources of their members to expand the scope – and the impact – of MFA’s initial work.

Read more here: Three Great Fears Proposal for RME Network

We encourage scholars to share research in the Three Great Fears area with RME Network and Multifaith Alliance to help break the dramatic cicle of xenophobia in societies and deliver a welcoming message towards migrants and refugees.

Below you will find presentation of Dr. Georgette Bennett, President of Multifaith Alliance at the Global Initiatives in Refugee&Migrant Education on November 17, 2018.

Overcoming Three Great Fears Manhattan College (11.15.18)